Acupuncture and moxibustion are a combination of acupuncture and moxibustion. Acupuncture is to insert filigree needles into the patient’s body at certain points, and use acupuncture techniques such as twisting and lifting to treat diseases. Moxibustion is to use the burning moxa to scorch the skin at certain acupoints, and use thermal stimulation to treat diseases. Acupuncture is one of the important components of traditional Chinese medicine, and it is also an important alternative treatment method officially recognized by Australia. It is a kind of treatment method “from the outside to the inside”. It is through the function of meridians, acupoints, and the application of certain techniques to treat systemic diseases. Clinically, according to the diagnosis and treatment methods of traditional Chinese medicine, the cause of the disease is diagnosed, the key to the disease is found, the nature of the disease is identified, which meridian and which viscera the disease belongs to, and whether it belongs to the type of external and internal, cold and heat, and deficiency and excess. Diagnosed. Then carry out the corresponding acupoint prescription and treatment. To open the meridians, regulate qi and blood, make yin and yang return to relative balance, and make the functions of the zang-fu organs tend to reconcile, so as to achieve the purpose of preventing and treating diseases.